No, Inadot is NOT free. Our plans start at $10/mo.
Design previews are sent within 24 hours. We will email you a link with your design. This will be your own website!
You get UNLIMITED revisions! We want you to LOVE your new website.
Yes, you will get your own unique and fully branded website. If you already have a website you easily can embed this Beatstore or change to our platform.
Yes! Your mobile app will get published on Google Play and on the Apple App store. We will do this for you, on your behalf.
No worries! We are confident you will like our design much better than your current provider. You can easily switch to our platform! 😉
Yes, you keep 100% of your sales on your site.
You can get paid via PayPal, Stripe and Cash App. You can connect these payment processors in your producer admin. It only takes a couple minutes to setup.
NO! You can sell UNLIMITED Beats, Kits, Services and Merch on your website.
Licenses are already prebuilt for you! Of course you can make edits to your licenses with our simple to use license editor. Easily control your publishing and license terms.
Yes! You sure can. We provide you what's called an "Embed" code and you simply paste it on your site. We'll guide you every step of the way!
Yes, we have tools in place to help with traffic. From our automated marketing to our creative Rap Camera. At the core of us we're a technology company but we do help with advertising and legit advice on how you can sell more.
Yes, we provide a variety of powerful analytics that can help you sell more. Data is everything so we make sure we track everything on your site to help you optimize for massive growth!
Inadot, Inc is a BBB (Better Business Bureau) accredited technology company based in Portland, Oregon. Inadot is a music platform designed for recording artists, producers and songwriters. Use our tools to build a powerful website and mobile app. Join our music network to connect, collab and create.